Saturday, July 28, 2012


Do you think that these artists made “something out of nothing”?
Yes, I do. Just because a canvas is plain white, does not mean that nothing is there and nothing is implied. It isn’t always about color and images. There’s texture to these paintings. The oil paints glob up and make texture that covers the canvas. Maybe that is what the artist intended.

What is the difference between pop art and minimal art? Does it make sense for these movements to follow one another?
Pop art was about visible things. Minimal art and conceptual art was about making things disappear. I think that it makes sense for these two movements to come after Pop art. Maybe artists were sick of “things” and wanted to make a bigger impact by painting “nothing”.

When people view minimalist paintings, why do you think they often get bored or frustrated?
People want answers. They want meaning.  When viewing minimalist art, it is often difficult to see what the artist is trying to say and therefore people, who do not like to think about the art they see, get frustrated.

Question: What is your take on Rothko’s Chapel?


  1. I do like the questions that you asked and I like the way you answered them--short, sweet and to the point. I especially loved the last question because I do not appreciate looking at nothing or a blank canvas. I want something to look at where I can guess what the artist wanted to convey to viewers. With these, I seldom get the pleasure of playing that game.

    This chapel does in fact have a calming effect, but I don't think I would have my wedding there. While it wouldn't distract people from the wedding, I find the paintings in the chapel to be a bit boring. The minimalism is not my thing and it annoys me because it makes me feel like anyone can play with color and produce "art."

    1. I totally understand where you're coming from Parrish. I think a lot of the minimalism paintings are boring as well. However, I think the reason I like them too is because of the simplicity. You can make whatever meaning you want from the nothingness. Sometimes I feel like artists are throwing their points of view at you through their work. With these types of artwork, that is not possible. It is solely up to you. And from someone who doesn't always enjoy art, this is refreshing.

      My take on the Rothko Chapel is that it is interesting. This is the perfect place to demonstrate that something can be made out of nothing. I like that it is so simple, and in some ways boring, yet the underlying concept has a lot of meaning. This chapel could be anything one wants to make of it. The affect the chapel has is simple, modest, and makes one feel like there should be more like this. I really enjoyed learning about it in this film.
